Your Options for
Permaculture Landscaping

Not familiar with permaculture yet?
Discover its principles and benefits.

Custom Design + Action Plan


  • On-site strategic planning and goal setting

  • Full-color digital rendering of property layout (2 rounds of revisions included)

  • Detailed timeline of action items

  • Partner discounts for all recommended products (soil, plants, etc.)

Ongoing Support


  • In-person site visits within Phoenix area / live video calls outside Phx area

  • Async audio/video messaging (responses within 2 hours)

Masterful Start-to-Finish Execution


  • Timely & cleanly completion of project according to the Custom Design + Action Plan

  • First 6 months of Ongoing Professional Support to ensure all parts of your system are establishing and thriving

Our 3-Phase Process

1a. The Dreaming: Initial Consultation (up to 2h)

Let’s dream big! Tell us your goals, your vision, your aspirations for your property. In this conversation, we ask you: How good can it get? We will go wild here—no holding back, no nay-saying, no limiting beliefs. This is all about imagining the possibilities!

If you’re in the Phoenix area or within ~150 miles of it, we’ll schedule a time to visit your property in person.

By the end of the consultation, we will have a design sketch, lots of notes, and an outline of our work together for the design phase & beyond.

1b. Storyboarding: Design Draft & Broad Estimate

It’s time to put on our headphones, get into flow state, and spend many, many hours turning all those notes & sketches into your first high-fidelity design draft, which will look something like the examples below. It will include a rough estimate of costs associated with the work.

2a. The Sweatbox: Critical Review (up to 2h)

In this phase, we play Devil’s Advocate via Zoom screen share, asking questions like:

Does this excite us? Is this what we envisioned? Is it the best we can do? Did we miss anything? Should we add, remove, or change anything?

We adjust your design in real-time as we answer these questions, until we feel complete. If any large revisions are required, we go back to Storyboarding and make it 100% right.

2b. Finalization

At this stage, we conduct a final review of everything, and you receive:

1- Final Design Layout

The high-fidelity document you’ve already seen, now finalized with every piece of data and information we’ve reviewed together. It contains several layers that can be isolated or combined as needed.

2- Detailed Action Plan

Extremely comprehensive yet easy to follow, this document guides every step of the execution process according to realistic timelines and seasons.

3- Final Estimate of Costs

Including all materials and market-rate labor, so you can decide which services you’d like to do yourself, and which you’d like us to perform. As a reminder, all our services are donation-based.

3. Execution!

Digging holes, mixing soil, planting trees, laying mulch, etc. This is where the rubber meets the road… or rather, where the shovels meet the soil. 🙃

You can contract us to complete the work on a donation basis according to your schedule & budget, or you can choose to do the work yourself, and reach out to us for any questions along the way!

4. Ongoing Maintenance

Consider this your monthly landscaping fee, except it’s tax-deductible and you’re getting all the wonderful benefits of permaculture instead of just a tidy-looking but fruitless yard. 😉

And, when your property begins producing more food than you know what to do with, we’ll make sure every bit of extra makes it to communities in need (Homegrown) or composted (Green Thumbs Recycling). All tax-deductible!